Stan, Are you being obtuse?
the watchtower—study edition | march 2021. study article 13. jehovah will protect you—how?.
14 we also have the support of myriads of powerful angels.
think of what just one angel can do!
Stan, Are you being obtuse?
where does one start ?
ok i`ll do my best and you can add some more if you like .. first off, wherever in the world you are that`s where you will stay.why?
because modern day transport as we know it will no longer be.
It would be a return to the Stone Age. However, there would be one big difference, the only people to share your Stone Age living would be JW's. That really would be Hell, not Paradise.
thought i'd put this out there to see if you knew of people in the jehovah's witnesses who were falsely accused or mistreated by the " police " or elders in the congregation.
many times it's been by experiencing injustices that get us to get shaken out of our cult thinking mode and reality kicks in and the scales fall from our eyes that the wt society is just a man made organization whose leaders are no better than us - actually in many cases more unscrupulous and conniving than any of us would have ever been to each other !
i was falsely accused 2 times .
i wonder how Flipper is ? not seen him on here for a long while
Quite a few there we miss. OUTLAW was always funny. YNOT, what happened to her, Japanese I think?
some say according to polls that it has affected it in a positive way.
not much you can do when in quarantine so this passes the time, right?
lol .
Sex is very good at 78....
and convenient when you live at 74!
right now i would like to see how good the vaccine really is.
i’ve never taken a flu shot and so far, no flu..
My sleeve is rolled up in readiness.
Like Stan, I am over 70 (well over in my case), overweight with multiple health problems. Anything that puts off the day when I get my angel wings a bit longer is fine by me.
not sure where i picked this up.
"new-old light on alternative military service.
fact 1: the watchtower sanctioned both military service and alternative military service under charles russell.. .
A brother I knew here in the UK was called up when he was 18 about 1959 as I recall. He was sent to prison (Lincoln) for 3 months with the option of a £50 fine instead. Taking the fine was not allowed so he did his 3 months. He had only been released a few weeks when he was called up again and the same thing happened, 3 months or £50 fine. The cell door must have barely been closed when he was sent home, an "anonymous" donor had paid his fine. Everyone knew it was his employer who did want this guy off for another 3 months as he was such a good worker. Alternative service was never mentioned.
i'm watching pbs's frontline.
the story, "return from isis," is about an american woman who went to syria with her husband who was a isis soldier.
now she wants to return to the states.
We have the same problem here in the UK with Shamima Begum. She is of Bangladesh parents and went to Syria where she married a Dutch fighter, had 3 children which all died but now wants to return to England.
These traitors should never be allowed to return. If she returns here we will be expected to keep here along with all her kith & kin.
actually no one does.. i know this is a concept that can be hard for some to grasp, considering all other forms of organizations like sole proprietorship, general partnership, an llc, or a for profit corporation.
these organizations are created legally for the simple purpose of making a profit.. but unlike a for profit corporation,---- a nonprofit corporation is formed to carry out-.
whether that be religious, educational, charitable, scientific or other qualifying purpose.
The shareholders AGM always used to take place prior to the "public" AGM, on the same day. It may have been Ray Franz that wrote at this meeting GB members, Company Officials etc were voted in. Even after he left Bethel he did a postal vote for a year or maybe two.
i've discussed this before but not in this context alone.. i remember being about 14 years old, 1994 and starting a study in the uk with a charming muslim from the congo.
he was a very pleasant middle aged guy with a big family, two wives, always the most hospitable.
at the time the watchtower had a book on many religions, a thick red book called 'mankind's search for god' so i would read and discuss the section on islam with him.. interestingly, but not surprising, many details they had were wrong about islam and he would explain how and correct me.
Islam has been wanting to take over the world since its implementation. It's working towards that by terror and breeding. Without doubt the biggest problem mankind will face in future years.
The WT Society has little to say about them. Imagine writing and illustrating magazines in the style that J F Rutherford did but aimed at Muslims, not Catholics. Imagine a letter writing campaign to some Islamic leader. That would be very dangerous. As far as Islam is concerned JW's want to keep a low profile. Protect the $$$$.
this week's midweek meeting has an item on this theme.
as usual there is a video to show:-.
I still remember OOMPAH as I'm sure many here do also, even though I never knew him.